GA4 Trainings & Resources for AutoDealers | ASC for GA4


Explore the resources certified by Automotive Standards Council. With the ASC’s seal of approval, you are guaranteed credible and reliable resources that can guide you through GA4 and the ASC Specification.


The Impact of GA4 on OEM, Association and Large Group Automotive Campaigns

Infocore is proud to host an insightful webinar featuring Brian Pasch that addresses the upcoming changes to Google G4 Analytics and how they will impact 3rd party direct marketing, email campaigns, and their specific implications within the automotive industry, with a focus on the ASC Specifications. 


Identifying Conversion Events and Creating Custom Conversion Events

Colleen Harris and Brooke Furniss take you through the process of identifying conversion events and how to create custom conversion events in Google Analytics 4 using the ASC Specification.


Why Every Dealer Needs the ASC Specification for GA4

Join Brian Pasch and Sarah Ciociola of PCG Digital as they discuss the major reasons why dealers need the ASC Specification to make GA4 work for their dealership. They will also showcase how the ASC Spec will help improve Google Ads campaigns


Building New Metrics & KPIs and Creating Custom Reports

Colleen Harris and Brooke Furniss show you how to build new metrics and key performance indicators using the ASC Specification for GA4.

Downloadable Resources Coming Soon, Stay Tuned!

Become an ASC Member

We provide two options to become a member of the ASCGA4. To create a new industry standard for GA4 and coordinate the entirety of the auto community is no small task.


Renews Annually

Founding Members help set the standards for GA4 in the automotive industry. You will receive a “Founding Member” badge, alongside discounts for training & workshops.

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Founding members will be involved in private meetings to establish GA4 standards across all website and technology platforms. Brian Pasch will divide founding members into committees (i.e. websites, digital retailing, messaging) and will work to publish standards for events, goals, and reporting in GA4. Founding members must commit to active participation in at least two zoom calls per month and responding to proposed GA4 standards documentation. Founding members will receive 25% discount on all public GA4 workshops and training programs created by Brian Pasch Enterprises (GA4) to expand training and knowledge within their organizations.
Members will receive a “Founding Member” logo to display on their websites and marketing materials. Companies that fail to participate will be removed from the Council and no refund will be provided for the membership fees. 


Renews Annually

Supporting members will help submit suggestions, data, and feedback; gaining them first access to the standards proposed and discounts on training/workshops.

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Supporting members will have first access to standards proposed by the Automotive Standard Council and will have the opportunity to provide feedback to the committees before standards are published. Supporting members can submit suggestions to the council committees to guide standards development based on work that has already been completed in their organization(s). Founding members will receive 15% discount on all GA4 workshops and training programs created by Brian Pasch Enterprises (GA4) to expand training and knowledge within their organizations.